The message behind our Chart(s) Of The Day today is pretty straightforward. After playing the role of the negatively-diverging whipping boy for the past 10-12…
Tagged $^MID

MidCaps: 15-Year Relative Strength Breaking Down Several months ago, we began noting relative breakdowns in key areas of the market. It started first in the…
Charts Of The Week: Why Recent Index Highs *LOOK* Like Fitting Tops On The Charts
This week we presented a series of charts outlining how recent index highs pass the so-called market top “look test”. By that we mean that…
ChOTD-6/4/14 Why The Recent Highs *LOOK* Like A Fitting Top: S&P 400 Midcap Edition
Today’s ChOTD in our series on how recent index highs pass the so-called market top “look test” focuses on the S&P 400 Midcap index (previously,…