Last Thursday, we mentioned that traders in equity options on the International Securities Exchange exhibited a rare (though recently, less-so) display of cautious behavior on back…
Tagged ISE
Stock Option Bulls Go Streaking
One method of analyzing stock market sentiment is by measuring activity in the options market. The benefit of this type of analysis is that, contrary…
Rare Display Of Caution From Options Traders We have mentioned the International Securities Exchange Equity Call/Put Ratio a few times in this space (unlike most…
Options Market: Too Fear Too Fast?
To say that readings in the equity options market on Friday were extraordinary would be a gross understatement. They were downright historic. To wit, our…
ChOTD-7/11/14 High ISE Equity Call/Put Readings On Down Market Days Have Preceded Drawdowns
Today’s ChOTD looks at the International Securities Exchange (ISE) Equity Call/Put Ratio. For those unfamiliar, ISE presents options ratios a bit differently than most exchanges.…