One indicator of investor sentiment just recorded its highest reading in history. Sentiment indicators can be useful tools for investors, mainly on a contrarian basis.…
Tagged $^GSPC
Unlucky (Year) Number 7?
The 2nd half of years ending in “7″ have historically exhibited the stock market’s worst semi-annual performance. Seasonality in stock investing is a tricky thing. In…
Stock Speculators Take Record Risk On Continued Calm
Speculators in VIX futures are presently holding their largest net-short position ever. There’s little doubt that the current period will go down as one of…
Weighing The Evidence In Market Breadth
A look at the Equal Weight S&P 500 has something for both the bulls and the bears. A hot, and much debated, topic of late…
Should Bears Be ‘Banking’ On This Divergence? (PREMIUM)
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A “Weak”-Long Dead Cat Bounce In Stocks (PREMIUM)
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Stock Traders Overreact (Again) To Wednesday’s Selloff
Volatility expectations took record jumps during Wednesday’s “big” selloff. Wednesday saw the stock market break out of its historically tight trading range – and it…
Record “Close But No Cigar” Streak For Stocks
Over the past 8 days, the S&P 500 has been closer to a 52-week high, without achieving one, than any other stretch in its history.…
“Ex-CEL In May?”
There is some evidence to suggest that stock investors would be well served by NOT selling in May and going away this year. One of…
Transatlantic Traders Breathe Unprecedented Sigh Of Relief (PREMIUM)
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