This piece originally appeared as the August issue of the J. Lyons Fund Management, Inc. Newsletter at Over the past few months, we have…
Tagged $RSP
More Weight Added To Equity Bear Case
For the past 12 months, we have been taking note of a gradual accumulation of ancillary factors suggesting the longer-term outlook for stocks was becoming…
Final Pillar Of Bull Market Showing Cracks?
We have repeated ad nauseam the litany of concerns we have regarding the longer-term fate of the U.S. stock market. These concerns include metrics pertaining…
One Broad Measure Of Stock Market Health Just Hit An All-Time High
On February 13, we posted a piece noting that the S&P 500 Equal-Weight ETF offered by Rydex (ticker, RSP) had just broken out to a…
Broad Stock Index Breaking Above 3-Decade Triple Top?
Back in July we posted a provocative chart of the Value Line Geometric Composite (VLG). The VLG is a broad index of approximately 1800 stocks…
Key Market Gauge Hits All-Time High
You’ve heard me mention many times that we consider breadth, i.e., the number of stocks advancing versus declining, to be an important barometer of the…

Equal Weight S&P 500 Starting To Lag – Shades of 2007? Another divergence post? Yes, sorry, we know it is getting mundane. However, we post…