We posted a chart a week ago on the recent high level of equity put option volume relative to call volume on the International Securities…
Tagged Put/Call Ratio
Options Hedging Hitting Extreme Levels
We have been seeing signs in the past few days of elevated levels of fear on the part of traders and investors. Yesterday’s post on…
Bets On Volatility Rise The Highest Since 2008
There has been an odd trend of late in stock sentiment readings. Despite major averages that are near all-time highs, sentiment has dropped considerably across…
Smart Money Options Indicator Now ‘Off The Charts’ Bearish
We have mentioned the put/call ratio of open interest on S&P 100 (OEX) options a handful of times over the past 6 months or so.…
“Smart Money” Indicator Most Bearish In 16 Years
Most of the volume data (i.e., Put/Call ratios) that we look at from the equity options market are best utilized on a contrarian basis. That…
Options Traders Growing Their Hedges
Last Thursday, we mentioned that traders in equity options on the International Securities Exchange exhibited a rare (though recently, less-so) display of cautious behavior on back…

More signs of extreme fear in the options market…maybe On Monday, we noted Friday’s all-time low reading in the ISE Equity Call/Put Ratio as an…
ChOTD-6/17/14 CBOE Equity Put/Call Ratio @ Complacent Levels
Our June 11 ChOTD showed the record high 5-day average reading in the ratio of CBOE OEX Put/Call (smart $) to Equity Put/Call (dumb $) ratios. While…
ChOTD-6/11/14 CBOE OEX:Equity Put/Call Ratio Showing Historic Caution
Today’s ChOTD shows the ratio between one supposed smart money put/call ratio (CBOE OEX P/C) to a supposed dumb money put/call ratio (CBOE Equity P/C).…